Friday, December 11, 2015

Boulder Public Library Reading Field Trip

So last week I accompanied Ms. Austin's Reading classes on a field trip to the Boulder Public Library.  We had been planning the trip all year and Ms. Austin had obtained forms for library cards for all thirty of her students.  Students were excited to visit and pick up their new cards.

Erica Starts the Tour

We were lucky enough to have an unusually mild sunny day and had a pleasant walk through the neighborhoods to catch the Skip downtown.  Erica Segraves, the youth services manager, met us outside and we started out tour of the library.  Check out the youth services link here.

If you haven't been to the recently renovated library, it's beautiful.  They have moved the children's section to a space that overlooks Boulder Creek.  Also, they have opened a cafe on the walkway across from the theater side to the library main.

One of the highlights was visiting The Teen Space. This opened last year and is a place for 6th-12th graders to relax, connect and create.   They have tools for creating digital movies, creating music or just playing games--both board and video games. The students were particularly excited about this space and I would encourage you go visit and check it out for yourself.

Adam Leads Students in Catapult Project 

The next stop was the new Maker Space.  The library is working and creating a Maker Project Space right behind the theater.  It will house a laser cutter, 3 D Printers, and lost of other cool stuff.  The library plans to host classes and workshops in the near future.

 Adam Watts, Creative Technologist, led the students in an activity where they used Popsicle Sticks, Rubber Bands, Tap and spoons to construct catapults.   The students all got to work.  We loved the hands-on learning and all projects.  

At the end, there was a catapult war with soft fuzzy projectiles, all in the name of Science.

Overall, it was a great field trip.  Thanks to Erica and Adam for hosting and to Amy Austin for all of the work putting it together. 

 What an amazing resource we have in the Boulder Public Library.  Go check it out!