I am trying to show more fidelity in using this blog to document my learning and growth as a teacher-librarian/21st century educator/ person. I decided to give myself a score from 4 to 1 on all of these, with some 1/2 points for wiggle room.
Self-reliant Learner- 3 proficient
I have a grown in my self-reliance as a learner this past year. I have a twitter account, following many a number of people. I also have been seeking out fellow teacher-librarians to glean ideas. At times, I feel like I am not doing enough. I put myself up against these other stellar examples and sometimes feel like I am falling short.
School-Level Leadership - 2 approaching proficiency
I am a "quiet" leader. I work well collaborating one-on-one with teachers and leading them this way. I also have tried to put the technology committee as more active leadership. Adding a technology blog for staff to learn how to use digital tools. Leading professional development at the district level and within staff meetings.
Sharing wins/losses/ learnings - 2 approaching proficiency
I share my home runs--projects that I have put a lot of time into and hit it out of the park with. The "errors","foul-balls", and "base-hits", to continue the analogy... less so. I need to communicate more of this how I slipped and what I learned.
Technology Proficiency Gains - 2 approaching proficiency
I am feeling more adept at using technology and learning new things/applications. There are times when I feel overwhelmed but how much is out there and I feel somewhat disconnected from the daily requirements of teachers to see which technology tools would be most useful for students.
Instructional Practice with Technology - 2 approaching proficiency
I feel competent at using technology in the library and with my lessons related to research, but still feel short at connecting teachers with the right technology.